Friday, November 28, 2008

Dear George...

It certianly has been an eventful eight years. But thanks to your enlightened, innovative, forward thinking leadership we can only guess what the world would have been without you...certianly more peaceful, prosperous and green, but lets not nit-pick, I'm sure you were only doing what Dick and the boys wanted you to. I hear he's invited you hunting for early next year, sounds like fun, I'm sure you'll have a bang-up time.
Warmest regards,
one of the huddled mass.


The unbridled dispensation
of Justice
can easily descend into cruelty. have to tell them.

Stupid people
don't know they're
you have to
tell them.

No army...

"No army can stop an idea whose time has come."
Victor Hugo

Thursday, November 27, 2008


"...the governments propaganda narrative of the 9-11 events."


I dont want government on my back,
I just want them on my side.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


heavy weight
heavy waiting.