Thursday, December 11, 2008


COMPUTERS=666If you add the number 6 to each letter of the alphbet such as this example a=6 b=12 c=18 d=24 and so on and so forth till you get to z=156.. you come to this revelation. When you spell computer using the above formula you get the number 666..weird because it is the only number that I'm aware of that creates 666,Go ahead try it! a=6 b=12 c=18 d=24 e=30 f=36 g=42 h=48 i=54 j=60 k=66 l= 72 m=78 n=84 o=90 p=96 q=102 r=108 s=114 t=120 u=126 v=132 w=138 x= 144 y=150 z=156
c=18 o=90 m=78 p=96 u=126 t=120 e=30 r=108 ADD all together equals 666

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